Feng + aPro (SON!C) cheat proof
I've just watched this. I'm only going to comment on the initial accusation in this thread, that Feng has somehow altered the amount of ammo available to him, specifically at 12'26 remaining.
When he reloads, the amount shown is not 20/3; it's 20/-3. The demo playback has always (since I've been playing) had this ammo glitch. Feng has 0/17 before reloading. The demo puts 20 rounds in the clip on reload, even though only 17 are available. This leaves the reserve as 17-20, or -3. Of course, in reality he only has 17 in the clip and he wouldn't have been able to fire more than that.
The timing's wrong on the second accusation because he has the akimbo at 11'56 rem. Although the fugures don't add up, it wouldn't surprise me if it's the same glitch again. The server will not allow you to create ammo out of thin air.
aPro is Wagner.
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Messages In This Thread
RE: Feng + aPro (SON!C) cheat proof - by jamz - 06 Feb 12, 11:34AM
RE: Feng + aPro (SON!C) cheat proof - by jamz - 06 Feb 12, 01:40PM