Feng + aPro (SON!C) cheat proof
Once a nice person told me that the only person who 100% knows if you're a cheater or not is yourself, so on my screen, i know im not a cheater, but if you guys think im a cheater then thats fine with you, believe what you wish, i know myself im not a cheater, so its time for me to move on to another game.
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Messages In This Thread
RE: Feng + aPro (likely alias) cheat proof - by Feng - 06 Feb 12, 02:45AM
RE: Feng + aPro (SON!C) cheat proof - by jamz - 06 Feb 12, 11:34AM
RE: Feng + aPro (SON!C) cheat proof - by jamz - 06 Feb 12, 01:40PM