Feng + aPro (SON!C) cheat proof
It's been noted that this can be a bug however in this case he was playing a on a hit-fixed server. This is the code the server runs:

clientstate &gs = c->state;
    int wait = e.millis - gs.lastshot;
    if(!gs.isalive(gamemillis) ||
       e.gun<GUN_KNIFE || e.gun>=NUMGUNS ||
    if(e.gun!=GUN_KNIFE) gs.mag[e.gun]--;

The bug couldn't possibly occur on a fixed server because it's hit-fixed. That means we're sure that the bullet will get past the first conditional and therefore the server can't get out of sync. It's hard to explain this to non-programmers but essentially, it shouldn't happen at all.
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Messages In This Thread
RE: Feng + aPro (likely alias) cheat proof - by Roflcopter - 06 Feb 12, 01:29AM
RE: Feng + aPro (SON!C) cheat proof - by jamz - 06 Feb 12, 11:34AM
RE: Feng + aPro (SON!C) cheat proof - by jamz - 06 Feb 12, 01:40PM