04 Feb 12, 10:25PM
(This post was last modified: 05 Feb 12, 06:47AM by CharlyMurphie.)
I was suggesting throwing nades or hiding nades but not having them explode. You have to trigger them by shooting em, and after they are there for, lets say 20 secs, they dissapear. I was just drinking and throwing some impossibilities around. Seems kinda cool though GLUG GLUG
I got the idea the other day when we were in a CM waiting for ever1 to join. I was throwing nades and trying to shoot em in the air with the trusty sometimes not so trusty carbine.
Its not really an idea just a blurtted out thought through my fingertips ATM.
If itwas possible there would be much more to elaborate on GLUG GLUG :)
I got the idea the other day when we were in a CM waiting for ever1 to join. I was throwing nades and trying to shoot em in the air with the trusty sometimes not so trusty carbine.
Its not really an idea just a blurtted out thought through my fingertips ATM.
If itwas possible there would be much more to elaborate on GLUG GLUG :)