(to Devs) Unique folder for mapmodels textures
Nice of you to try to fix this issue but then again as I mentioned for tempest's code it won't make no difference at all, process still the same.

As he said "With your setup ... we'd need to add another break to download them." whatever that means it doesn't sound that hard to put in place.

btw, I've found something else... "minelift" mapmodel atm use a skin of 1024x512 of 169kb, one part of this model is the classic "hook" model so I broke it in two groups and...

md3load tris.md3
md3skin hook ../skins/hook.jpg
md3skin minelift ../skins/minelift.jpg

There is no savings too little XD

Expect the whole package for either today or tomorrow for tests/controls/revisions...

EDIT: What is actually telling the auto download what content is missing? does it reads the map's cfg? Enlighten me on this please.

Thanks given by:

Messages In This Thread
RE: (to Devs) Unique folder for mapmodels textures - by Cleaner - 04 Feb 12, 11:00AM