(to Devs) Unique folder for mapmodels textures
First off, sorry Cleaner for not being around last weekend as I planned and told you. Friday night was just way too long and it took the whole weekend to become a living beeing again.

The main issue I came across here is the use of a relative path ("../folder"). How will this work with *YourFiles* directories? Tempest, I guess you can answer this for us. The problem could be, that the linked skin file is located at the default *Programs* directory and the custom model, requiring a default skin, at the *YourFiles* directory. This shouldn't work with relative paths. Does it?

The second thing is pretty much like tempest said already. One seperated skin-folder could lead to several inconvinient arrangements, just like the packaging for the auto-download feature. Also the folder structure could become a pain in the neck. Like, will we mirror the structure from the model's folder or just use one folder and naming the skin files like the folders where the models are located? Either way isn't going to be a much better solution than just keeping one skin file at the origin model's folder, in my opinion.
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Messages In This Thread
RE: (to Devs) Unique folder for mapmodels textures - by Mr.Floppy - 01 Feb 12, 12:44PM