31 Jan 12, 05:32PM
(31 Jan 12, 11:55AM)tempest Wrote: Yes, definitely! This saves not just disk space, but also video memory.It is what actually I have done packages/models/mapmodels/skins.
However, I would suggest to leave the skins at least somewhere in the models directory.
In fact I have nearly finished with the whole repackaging where all models are now in md3 and all skin.jpg in one folder, there is still some models that I need to rename for it to work.
The good part of this is also that devs don't need to bother about coding nor scripting :p so I guess that including a few tests to make sure everything is fine that should be ready by end of the week.
@.ExodusS* indeed exactly what tempest said, it all happen in the model cfg.
The thing is that with this system we can now make plenty versions of existing mapmodels (as simplistically shown on the screenie) for cheap since we do not longer need the heavy image file.
Well, now I hope devs will see the bright side of it and give the green light to this, if so there will be also some modifications to do to the docs.