Alexandre and the TEAM KILL POLICE
So i was playing today as i usually did, when i came across this guy in game. 'Alexandre' he called himself and one of the funniest games i have played in a while.

Some of you may have played in the game with so you will know what i'm talking about.
It all started with a vote kick against a guy for camping by Alexandre. the vote fails because he wasnt camping, just a noob vote.
After that he gets owned a few more times then ragevotes some other guy, this time for being noob. Well, it kicked off after that, they squabbled for a bit then someone kicks him. you think end of story. HELL NO.
He rejoins onto the other team and starts teamkilling anyone who he saw, then i thought "not today".

Started defending myself and my teamates in the only way i knew how, with a sniper. Thats when the hilarity ensues. i didnt let him move for 3 spawns and managed to provent a point blank shotgun attack on the flag carrier.
Seriously, its all good stuff. You MUST download the demo and have a look for yourselves! i was in stitches laughing at this guys noobery.
I would have made a video on the game but i only have a trial version of fraps (Only allows 30 second recordings at a time)

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Messages In This Thread
Alexandre and the TEAM KILL POLICE - by MykeGregory - 25 Jan 12, 06:43PM