Registering assaultcube:// protocol
from source/vcpp/buildEnv/ac.nsi:
Section "Register URL protocol" REGISTERURL

    WriteRegStr HKCR "assaultcube" "" "${AC_SHORTNAME}"
    WriteRegStr HKCR "assaultcube" "URL Protocol" ""
    WriteRegStr HKCR "assaultcube\DefaultIcon" "" '"$INSTDIR\bin_win32\ac_client.exe"'
    WriteRegStr HKCR "assaultcube\shell\open\command" "" '"cmd.exe" /C cd "$INSTDIR" & "assaultcube.bat" "%1"'

HKCR == HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT according to NSIS Docs Chapter 4.
If someone has it installed it shouldn't be a problem to search the registry for these occurences, export the approriate key and provide you with the file for inclusion onto your system.
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Messages In This Thread
RE: Registering assaultcube:// protocol - by flowtron - 20 Jan 12, 08:34PM