I have been working on a project for tournaments. That will archive all tournaments being played or have been played in AC. Will house all demos, brackets, possibly ss's from each tournament. On the front of the website will show any current tournaments being played, with brackets.
Later down the road will hopefully be able to have stat tables for each tourney.
Along with this i will be hosting unique tournaments that will challenge players in all aspects of AC. (wont be your tradition tournaments)
This project will be released soon, and since all tournaments will have a place to be shown all in one area, and be archived so its easier to see all past and present tourneys, also with stats of players and teams for each tournament, i hope this will make tournaments more competitive. ( alot of commas lol )
Also a few members from hype are working on a project to rank clans based on cm's.
To make cm's more competitive, and have more of a reward.
this is a large project and cant go into more detail than that.
I only give this info out, to let you know there are people out there that are thinking of ways to make AC more rewarding and competitive. And are working very hard, as some projects take time, and alot of tinkering around with before they can be released.
@MerCyKiL we dont expect to beat clans like MyS, HyPE wasnt created for that reason. we have beaten higher lvl clans, but rarely, we image our self as a fun clan, with a competitive side. "if HyPE and B} don't want to join, i really don't care. i was just thinking of them but apparently they aren't interested in that" i dont recall us saying that we weren't interested.
you like to bring our name up alot, but you and lucky seem to have some hatred between the two of you, maybe talking to each other would resolve more than bringing up HyPE in some of your posts that have negative vibe to them.
Later down the road will hopefully be able to have stat tables for each tourney.
Along with this i will be hosting unique tournaments that will challenge players in all aspects of AC. (wont be your tradition tournaments)
This project will be released soon, and since all tournaments will have a place to be shown all in one area, and be archived so its easier to see all past and present tourneys, also with stats of players and teams for each tournament, i hope this will make tournaments more competitive. ( alot of commas lol )
Also a few members from hype are working on a project to rank clans based on cm's.
To make cm's more competitive, and have more of a reward.
this is a large project and cant go into more detail than that.
I only give this info out, to let you know there are people out there that are thinking of ways to make AC more rewarding and competitive. And are working very hard, as some projects take time, and alot of tinkering around with before they can be released.
@MerCyKiL we dont expect to beat clans like MyS, HyPE wasnt created for that reason. we have beaten higher lvl clans, but rarely, we image our self as a fun clan, with a competitive side. "if HyPE and B} don't want to join, i really don't care. i was just thinking of them but apparently they aren't interested in that" i dont recall us saying that we weren't interested.
you like to bring our name up alot, but you and lucky seem to have some hatred between the two of you, maybe talking to each other would resolve more than bringing up HyPE in some of your posts that have negative vibe to them.