AssaultCube icon
I would like to get a license clarification for the AssaultCube icon, since I'd like to use it for the Debian packages, instead of the currently used old ac_knife, which looks horrible when scaled up to docks and app lists.

Am I correct in assuming the license of
is the same as that of the AC website and documentation?
That is: CC-BY-NC-SA-3.0 + additional no-misrepresent clause (which is effectively included in CC anyways...), and attributed Rabid Viper?

Is there by any chance an SVG version of this icon available?

Also, is there a difference between the x16 version and the x512 one, or is the smaller ones just scaled raw with no adaptations?

Lastly, would it be possible to include the icon in the distributed tarball for linux in the future?
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Messages In This Thread
AssaultCube icon - by arand - 17 Jan 12, 04:46PM
RE: AssaultCube icon - by MasterKaen - 17 Jan 12, 05:04PM
RE: AssaultCube icon - by tempest - 23 Jan 12, 04:11PM
RE: AssaultCube icon - by jamz - 23 Jan 12, 04:55PM
RE: AssaultCube icon - by RandumKiwi - 23 Jan 12, 09:01PM
RE: AssaultCube icon - by tempest - 23 Jan 12, 09:40PM
RE: AssaultCube icon - by arand - 24 Jan 12, 01:59PM