Im not exactly an "AC guru" but i can tell you that adding a crosshair to you sniper is definitely illegal :) Anything that gives you an unfair advantage against other players will not be allowed resulting in ban. Though I'm not meaning to deter you, there's many more cool things you can do with mods :P
I've never done any scripting in depth. I was able to create a script that helped me ragequit and that stretched my capabilities, but I do think learning Cubescript Is somewhat the way to go (not too sure).
Learning to map will not help you with anything really modding related as they are two quite different things, but I do map myself and it is a very fun way to waste time :D
Im not exactly an "AC guru" but i can tell you that adding a crosshair to you sniper is definitely illegal :) Anything that gives you an unfair advantage against other players will not be allowed resulting in ban. Though I'm not meaning to deter you, there's many more cool things you can do with mods :P
I've never done any scripting in depth. I was able to create a script that helped me ragequit and that stretched my capabilities, but I do think learning Cubescript Is somewhat the way to go (not too sure).
Learning to map will not help you with anything really modding related as they are two quite different things, but I do map myself and it is a very fun way to waste time :D