10 Jan 12, 02:46AM
I guess this thread would belong here -- I'm looking for more opinions than I would likely gather posting as a "casual idea" in the ideas thread.
I'm intrigued by the thought of having a grenade launcher as a primary weapon (I am aware there is a mod)
For people automatically going into the "overpowered" mindset, consider the following attributes I would consider weaknesses for such a weapon in the AC engine:
Now, why I think it'd be cool:
Right off, I don't really see this happening, but I think it'd be a fun weapon to use, though I really don't know what behavior would be programmed.
I made this thread for intelligent discussion... please no "tldr:" or "F2" :x
*perhaps unrealistic, but you know, AC
I'm intrigued by the thought of having a grenade launcher as a primary weapon (I am aware there is a mod)
For people automatically going into the "overpowered" mindset, consider the following attributes I would consider weaknesses for such a weapon in the AC engine:
- It would be your primary, meaning no long range projectiles but your pistol
- It would use the same hand grenades* that you'd otherwise throw
- Incredibly long reload time, possibly long delay between fires
- You would be overwhelmed by people with faster weapons
- You would be overwhelmed by people with faster weapons
- Grenade kills count as frags, point wise
- This means sniper is still long-range king
- This means sniper is still long-range king
- Grenades have a small area-of-effect in AC
- With the low rate of fire, you wouldn't be able to attack enemies, if the are spread out, very quickly without switching to your pistol
- With the low rate of fire, you wouldn't be able to attack enemies, if the are spread out, very quickly without switching to your pistol
- Possibility for friendly fire limits blind-fire in team modes
- It would also uniquely be the only primary you could kill yourself with
- Would mean dangerous to use in cramped areas
- It would also uniquely be the only primary you could kill yourself with
- No reticule
Now, why I think it'd be cool:
- It's a unique weapon from other primaries
- Shoot grenades that travel fast and far(ther)
- Bounce grenades of walls?
- Blow up on impact with enemies? (not after bounce)
- I'm not sure in our active developers' collective ability to make this possible easily
- Calculating when to bounce of walls/heightfields (I think optimally it wouldn't if you shot directly at the wall instead of an angle (to shoot into rooms)
- model/animation(s)/sound(s)
- Not sure about toggling behavior or choosing between one of the following:
- Grenades detonate instantly on surfaces -- would be weird on the skymap :P
- Grenades bounce of surfaces
- Grenades don't detonate until user commands (or other explosions)
- Grenades detonate instantly on surfaces -- would be weird on the skymap :P
- Calculating when to bounce of walls/heightfields (I think optimally it wouldn't if you shot directly at the wall instead of an angle (to shoot into rooms)
- No existing map has been designed with this possible weapon in mind
- There would be the potential for rage debates regarding stats/behavior (much like the shotgun)
Right off, I don't really see this happening, but I think it'd be a fun weapon to use, though I really don't know what behavior would be programmed.
I made this thread for intelligent discussion... please no "tldr:" or "F2" :x
*perhaps unrealistic, but you know, AC