Speculation on an AC Competitive Mod
Hey ROLFCOPTER, you know what? I have an awesome idea for this "thing".
Implement something that counts how many times you T bag a death character, and add a mode called TTB (Team Tea Bagging) and another one called STB (Solo Tea Baggin).
Make it that each TBAG gives you, I dont know, a million points?
Im sure all "pros" will jump in and play this mode like CRAZY!
Edit: I know Id play this mode, and Im sure MikeG would too! (Not saying that im Pro by no means, Mike sure is [T baging at least XD])

Dont have to thank me! I do it for the lulz.
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Messages In This Thread
[split] Pro Mod - by Roflcopter - 07 Jan 12, 09:17PM
RE: Speculation on an AC Competitive Mod - by paulmuaddibKA - 09 Jan 12, 10:47PM