PaulMuadDibKA moving to... (advise & counsel needed)
Hi mi brahs, Im here with my friend, who says he would love to t-bag yall, but I dont see how, seeing how he only plays Skyrim...
Anyway I take the opportunity to tell all of you that Ill be moving soon from Spain to...
I want to stay somewhere near Sanite Adele, but I have yet to decide many things about the voyage. Thats why Im telling, so if anyone knows better about Canada, Im accepting suggestions and advice!
My goal is to be accepted in a "Quebec´s learn french program" to improve my 0 french knowledge. I have read they begin the 11th of February so im looking to land in Montreal by the 3rd or so.
As for the rest of things Im foretelling, its cold as sheit over there, so if anyone lives in a cold place and has knowledge about clothing and such please tell (no bear skins or similar, XD).
Well, as soon as I know moar details ill post em here. Thanks in advance!
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PaulMuadDibKA moving to... (advise & counsel needed) - by GlandeGrandeKA - 04 Jan 12, 09:37PM