The AssaultCube Dictionary
Hack, n. hacks, pl.
1) An unconventional or unforseen solution to a problem; work-around; It's a quick hack, but it works.
2) A person who spuriously touts himself as being good at AssaultCube; That server owner is a hack who doesn't know how to edit the maprot. see noob
3) (hacker) A person who finds unconventional solutions to problems, esp. in programming and scripting; It takes a good hacker to wade through the AssaultCube Deep Magic.
Hack, v. hacking, hacked, hacks
1) To work around a problem in an unconventional way; I hacked out this server fix while the devs try to find the real problem.
2) (vulgar slang) To use an unacceptable solution to a problem, as in AssaultCube (more properly cheat); F1 F1 HE HACKING!!!!1
Etymology: From the English Middle Nuclear Age; refers to physically striking a network cable using a sharp implement as a drastic solution to a network problem.

Noob, n. noobs, pl. also newb, n00b, newbie
1) (usu. newb) A new player, esp. one that has never played AssaultCube before; Let's play nice with the newbs so they decide to stick around.
2) (usu. n00b) A player who plays as though he is perpetually new as in def. 1; That n00b won't stop teamkilling me.
Noob, v. noobing, n00bing, noobed, n00bed, noobs, n00bs
1) To perform actions that do not have an immediately obvious purpose, or which have no actual purpose; I'm just noobing around on IRC.
2) To perform actions that are pernicious and potentially damaging; I can't believe how badly you n00bed up that match.
Etymology: From the English Early Information Age newbie, deriv. Modern English new, "new," and English Early Nuclear Age suffix -bie, "person."
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Messages In This Thread
The AssaultCube Dictionary - by Hellspell - 31 Dec 11, 01:38AM
RE: The AssaultCube Dictionary - by Hellspell - 31 Dec 11, 02:08AM
RE: The AssaultCube Dictionary - by V-Man - 31 Dec 11, 04:43AM
RE: The AssaultCube Dictionary - by Cemer - 31 Dec 11, 06:21AM
RE: The AssaultCube Dictionary - by Robtics - 31 Dec 11, 11:33AM
RE: The AssaultCube Dictionary - by Nightmare - 31 Dec 11, 04:57PM
RE: The AssaultCube Dictionary - by Hellspell - 31 Dec 11, 07:00PM
RE: The AssaultCube Dictionary - by Vanquish - 31 Dec 11, 09:06PM
RE: The AssaultCube Dictionary - by Hellspell - 11 Jan 12, 06:24PM
RE: The AssaultCube Dictionary - by ExodusS - 11 Jan 12, 06:38PM
RE: The AssaultCube Dictionary - by Oracle - 11 Jan 12, 06:33PM
RE: The AssaultCube Dictionary - by Hellspell - 11 Jan 12, 07:44PM
RE: The AssaultCube Dictionary - by ExodusS - 12 Jan 12, 10:59PM
RE: The AssaultCube Dictionary - by Orynge - 13 Jan 12, 11:53AM