26 Dec 11, 01:14AM
Im currently listening to songs from UK group Magnum. Not sure how they haven't become superstars of rock music. The best rock band I know, maybe excepting Queen.
If anyone wants to check em out some of my favourites are Sacred Hour; a great song I'd never have heard of if it weren't for Dimmu Borgir's keyboardist at the time taking the piano melody and adapting it for their song Alt Lys Er Svunnet Hen, Vigalante, The Spirit, On A Storytellers Night, and Don't Wake the Lion.
If anyone wants to check em out some of my favourites are Sacred Hour; a great song I'd never have heard of if it weren't for Dimmu Borgir's keyboardist at the time taking the piano melody and adapting it for their song Alt Lys Er Svunnet Hen, Vigalante, The Spirit, On A Storytellers Night, and Don't Wake the Lion.