20 Dec 11, 12:36PM
Well, as far as I know .obj is supported by Blender without additional scripts. In fact .obj is supported by default on MilkShape and Ultimate Unwrap. I guess it would make things a little easier for modellers, since you won't have to mind the at-least-one-frame thingy form the .md formats. ;)
If it could be implemented easily, I would be happy to use it. In case it would require the revision of fundamentals of the rendering code, then I'd say we rather stick to .md format, rather than creating another bunch of bugs. ;)
Tempest, what's your opinion on that?
If it could be implemented easily, I would be happy to use it. In case it would require the revision of fundamentals of the rendering code, then I'd say we rather stick to .md format, rather than creating another bunch of bugs. ;)
Tempest, what's your opinion on that?