(16 Dec 11, 10:50PM)ShadowFlameZ Wrote: Y U NO CTF?!
(16 Dec 11, 10:50PM)|DoA| Goko830 Wrote: im not CTF because to many people spawn camp on CTF and its annoying.
(16 Dec 11, 10:53PM)M__Stayla Wrote: It's 100 times more annoying to get campkilled in tosok
EDIT: 12/18/11 8:25:12
[20:22] <+Exia> So, in my Honors World History class i am in a group of 4 doing a project on the abductions by North Korea
[20:23] <@B}Verse> Cool beans
[20:23] <+Exia> All this surrounds the fact that many people want the leader of North Korea, Kim Jong Il, DEAD
[20:23] <+Exia> Well
[20:23] <+Exia> ...
[20:23] <+Exia> http://news.yahoo.com/north-korean-leader-kim-jong-il -69-died-030848603.html
[20:23] <+Exia> irony strikes
[20:23] <+Exia> and coincidence
[20:23] <@B}Nightmare> :)
[20:23] <+Exia> and karma
[20:23] <+Exia> and goodluck/badluck?
[20:23] <+Exia> all in all
[20:23] <+Exia> i fear for my life
[20:23] * Exia hides behind B}
[20:23] <@B}Nightmare> B}'s check forums
[20:24] <@B}Verse> WOW!!!!
[20:24] <@B}Orynge> just did, nothing new XD
[20:24] <@B}Verse> WE will protect the Exia
I am proud to be a part of AC
EDIT: Same day 10:00PM
[21:23] * B}Droid (webchat@Droid|AC.ratiowhore.gamesurge) has left #PBClan
[21:23] <+Exia> :o he left B}
[21:30] <@B}Verse> HAHAH!
[21:31] <+Exia> LOL
[21:31] <@B}Verse> Take out of context ace
Droid you just got trolled.