Warzone $erver Unbanned?
Some might remember Koolg223 and I used to run a popular server called Warzone. We stopped after we had our server banned for putting our custom maps in the maprot. I just happened to notice that AC 1.1 was released, so I downloaded it and immediately tried to start the server. To my surprise it worked, so I'm guessing that when they updated the master server, they either lost the list of banned server IPs or just decided the list was old enough to toss. Should I run the server now or am I going to be rebanned? Do I need to use the maps from the map packs (which I don't like all that much), or can I put my own maps in the maprot? How strictly is the master server being policed now?
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Messages In This Thread
Warzone $erver Unbanned? - by ATLracing - 07 Aug 10, 11:35PM
RE: Warzone $erver Unbanned? - by I-know-truth - 08 Aug 10, 01:12AM
RE: Warzone $erver Unbanned? - by Monas|SK| - 08 Aug 10, 07:29AM
RE: Warzone $erver Unbanned? - by V-Man - 08 Aug 10, 02:33PM
RE: Warzone $erver Unbanned? - by Hearty - 08 Aug 10, 09:10PM
RE: Warzone $erver Unbanned? - by Undead - 14 Aug 10, 02:02AM
RE: Warzone $erver Unbanned? - by XFA - 14 Aug 10, 03:55AM
RE: Warzone $erver Unbanned? - by DrauL - 14 Aug 10, 04:01AM
RE: Warzone $erver Unbanned? - by #M|A#Wolf - 14 Aug 10, 05:34AM
RE: Warzone $erver Unbanned? - by DrauL - 14 Aug 10, 05:37AM
RE: Warzone $erver Unbanned? - by #M|A#Wolf - 14 Aug 10, 05:50AM
RE: Warzone $erver Unbanned? - by DrauL - 14 Aug 10, 06:04AM