(17 Dec 11, 04:01PM)Vanqu!sh Wrote: I love that quote at the end. Srsly can the US government not see what they've done with this war? How can some people feel no remorse for forcing others to fight pointless wars for them? It's not cool when a government forces a war upon its people, and then claims full credit for the war when it is won, irrespective of the thousands who have given their lives for reasons which don't exactly pan out and could have been solved if only the government who issued the war hadn't been so pigheaded and unwilling to accept what another government has to say.
Really sad. :(
What the? In wars you fight for your country and you don't question the orders you are given. Please, take your socialist and teeange rebellious ways and go grow up, perhaps one day you will understand how things works and what to not question, until then, please shut up. Who's right, the US government or a 15 years old boy with no political experience? War is war. You mad? Go cry me a river.
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