Until such a native alias is made, you can use findbind and add2bind to add an "onrelease" script.
add2bind (findbind quicknadethrow) [onrelease [echo Nade thrown!]]
// and/or
add2bind (findbind attack) [if (= (curweapon) 8) [onrelease [echo Nade thrown!]] []]
(findbind is in tools.cfg)
Just realized, quicknadethrow is going to be in default script "altaction..."
loop i 10 [ if (!= $i 5) [
add2alias (concatword altaction_ $i) [onrelease [echo Nade thrown!]]] [] ]
add2bind (findbind quicknadethrow) [onrelease [echo Nade thrown!]]
// and/or
add2bind (findbind attack) [if (= (curweapon) 8) [onrelease [echo Nade thrown!]] []]
(findbind is in tools.cfg)
Just realized, quicknadethrow is going to be in default script "altaction..."
loop i 10 [ if (!= $i 5) [
add2alias (concatword altaction_ $i) [onrelease [echo Nade thrown!]]] [] ]