Colour Changing Batch File by MykeGregory
Welcome, This is the Colour Change Batch file READ ME/DISCLAIMER made by MykeGregory.

How to use: Place this file next to the oringinal 'assaultcube' batch file and simply double click.


Please bare in mind, this batch file contains rapidly strobing colours and is NOT suitable for
anyone with epilespy or sufferers of photosensitive sejures. Any negative reaction from this
batch file is not my problem. You have been warned.
Please visit for more information on Photosensitive sejures.


Enjoy the Colour changing batch script!
And Thanks for downloading.


Lol i though it was going to make me blind forever...
Thanks given by:

Messages In This Thread
RE: Colour Changing Batch File by MykeGregory - by ExodusS - 12 Dec 11, 05:52PM