why is assaultcube so slow?
Quote:I have the new windows 7 version on my laptop
There's his problem, |BC|Wolf :P [/troll]

Seriously, though:
Quote:you'll have to do a Windows Update to update your outdated video drivers. Click [start] and in the search box type update and do a Windows Update (You'll need an internet connection)

Then you can fully optimize your computer for gaming via Game Booster.
I saw this because I am using Windows 7 and had to do it myself because Microsoft ships things out hastily then releases service packs to fix all the crap they screwed up :x
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Messages In This Thread
why is assaultcube so slow? - by xBirtheee - 05 Dec 11, 07:09PM
RE: why is assaultcube so slow? - by VenteX - 05 Dec 11, 11:40PM
RE: why is assaultcube so slow? - by #M|A#Wolf - 07 Dec 11, 02:32PM
RE: why is assaultcube so slow? - by Felix-The-Ghost - 07 Dec 11, 09:43PM
RE: why is assaultcube so slow? - by ExodusS - 11 Dec 11, 01:21AM
RE: why is assaultcube so slow? - by Hellspell - 11 Dec 11, 08:31PM