25 Nov 11, 02:50AM
Yeh, I noticed that, so I made some. Feel free to copy this into your docs.cfg file. :D
docsection [Menus]
docident [menuitemcheckbox] [Creates a menu checkbox.];
docargument [N] [Menu item name] [];
docargument [D] [Display checked or not] [1 or 0 (checked or unchecked)];
docargument [A] [Action when selected] [];
docremark [Usually the value of a binary alias is used for the second argument.];
docident [menuitemimage] [Creates a menu item with an accompanying image.];
docargument [P] [Path and filename of image to be used] [];
docargument [D] [Description] [];
docargument [A] [Action when selected] [];
docargument [H] [Hover action] [];
docremark [Displays a tiny (text-line-sized) square image, P, along with normal menu item behavior.];
docident [menuitemkeyinput] [Creates a menu item which will bind a key to a command or alias.];
docargument [D] [The description of the command to be bound];
docargument [A] [The command or alias to be bound to the user-input key];
docident [menuitemslider] [Creates a menu item which utilizes a slider to output values.];
docargument [D] [Description];
docargument [Min] [Minimum value];
docargument [Max] [Maximum value];
docargument [C] [Current display value];
docargument [S] [Step value];
docargument [V] [Values to display when adjusting];
docargument [A] [Action to take on change];
docremark [The step value determines how big each step in the slider is.];
docident [menuitemtextinput] [Creates a text box for user string input.];
docargument [D] [Description];
docargument [V] [Value displayed];
docargument [A] [Action to perform when used];
docargument [H] [Action to perform when hovered over];
docargument [M] [Max characters allowed as input];
docexample [menuitemtextinput "Store commands in a test alias: " $testalias "alias testalias $arg1" "echo This will store a test alias." 16];
docsection [Menus]
docident [menuitemcheckbox] [Creates a menu checkbox.];
docargument [N] [Menu item name] [];
docargument [D] [Display checked or not] [1 or 0 (checked or unchecked)];
docargument [A] [Action when selected] [];
docremark [Usually the value of a binary alias is used for the second argument.];
docident [menuitemimage] [Creates a menu item with an accompanying image.];
docargument [P] [Path and filename of image to be used] [];
docargument [D] [Description] [];
docargument [A] [Action when selected] [];
docargument [H] [Hover action] [];
docremark [Displays a tiny (text-line-sized) square image, P, along with normal menu item behavior.];
docident [menuitemkeyinput] [Creates a menu item which will bind a key to a command or alias.];
docargument [D] [The description of the command to be bound];
docargument [A] [The command or alias to be bound to the user-input key];
docident [menuitemslider] [Creates a menu item which utilizes a slider to output values.];
docargument [D] [Description];
docargument [Min] [Minimum value];
docargument [Max] [Maximum value];
docargument [C] [Current display value];
docargument [S] [Step value];
docargument [V] [Values to display when adjusting];
docargument [A] [Action to take on change];
docremark [The step value determines how big each step in the slider is.];
docident [menuitemtextinput] [Creates a text box for user string input.];
docargument [D] [Description];
docargument [V] [Value displayed];
docargument [A] [Action to perform when used];
docargument [H] [Action to perform when hovered over];
docargument [M] [Max characters allowed as input];
docexample [menuitemtextinput "Store commands in a test alias: " $testalias "alias testalias $arg1" "echo This will store a test alias." 16];