* Orynge loves menus.
The command to search is "searchnickname".
To make a menu, take a look at this one, for example. It's part of a clan roster I'm scripting for my clan (B}) in my spare time.
Remember that menus don't automatically make a new line if that line is too big. Also, that "-1" means no command, and if it wasn't there and you clicked on that line, the menu would close.
* Orynge still has to find "menuitemslider" in the docs.
* Orynge loves menus.
The command to search is "searchnickname".
To make a menu, take a look at this one, for example. It's part of a clan roster I'm scripting for my clan (B}) in my spare time.
newmenu "cr-Orynge"
menuitemvar [concatword (c 5) "Alias: " (c 1) "Orynge"] -1
menuitem "" -1
menuitemvar [concatword (c 5) "Country: " (c 2) "Aus" (c 0) "tra" (c 2) "lia"] -1
menuitem "" -1
menuitemvar [concatword (c 5) "Status: " (c 1) "Member"] -1
menuitem "" -1
menuitem "Bio: Heya, I'm Orynge, and I started playing AssaultCube in October, 2009. I only" -1
menuitem "started getting into the community in July 2010, though, when the AC forums" -1
menuitem "came back from hiatus." -1
menuitem "That lead to me being invited to apply to Exile Unit by DrauL, a clan that I've" -1
menuitem "spent most of my AC career in since I was accepted by Cactus, DrauL (now KH)," -1
menuitem "and MaiMeeTur (now eQ). I became a leader of the clan when DrauL left the clan" -1
menuitem "for the first time in December. Unfortunately, all good things must come to an" -1
menuitem "end, as one did in September 2011, after my holiday to New Zealand; Xu was" -1
menuitem "closed by Cactus and I after a very inactive period. I was then convinced to" -1
menuitem "apply to B} (that convincing was mainly ShadowZ saying "B}Orynge" over and" -1
menuitem "over again, as well as Nightmare making an awesome shirt with the letters " -1
menuitem ""B}Orynge" on it, with a picture of the Annoying Orange). I was accepted a" -1
menuitem "month later, which is why you're reading this bio here on the B} website (or" -1 menuitem "script)." -1
menuitem "Onto something completely different. Ever since DrauL introduced me to IRC, I've" 1
menuitem "spent a great deal of each day there. #xuclan was where I met a bunch of" -1
menuitem "awesome guys, such as DrauL, Lightning, Anarchist (now Nukpwr)," -1
menuitem "Ronald_Reagan, Huntsman, the_andyman, and many more." -1
menuitem "Here are my favourite weapons to this point:" -1
menuitem "- 1.0.2: SMG" -1
menuitem " - 1.0.4- Shotgun" -1
menuitem " - Assault Rifle/SMG" -1
menuitem "For more personal info, my real name is Tim, and I've been in this world for over" -1
menuitem "14 and a half years. I come from one of the laggy Land Down Under's (with New" -1
menuitem "Zealand being the other one)." -1
menuitem "So, in short, I've been playing since 1.0.2, and I lag. ;D" -1
menuitem "" -1
menuitemslider "How cool is he? " 1 3 "" 1 "AWESOME AWESOME AWESOMER"
menuitem "" -1
menuitemvar [concatword (c 2) "[ Is Orynge online? ]"] [searchnickname orynge]
Remember that menus don't automatically make a new line if that line is too big. Also, that "-1" means no command, and if it wasn't there and you clicked on that line, the menu would close.
* Orynge still has to find "menuitemslider" in the docs.