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Top 10. The best players in the history of Assault Cube?
(29 Oct 11, 08:18AM)Foo Wrote: 1-harps, how the fuck can none of you have named him
2- chin@
3-tenshi (tactically the best ever)
5- Sacerock in 1.0.4
7-Undead in 1.0.4
9- Davitomon

Thanks Foo, I appreciate that someone still remember my best days.

(29 Oct 11, 01:41PM)Nightmare Wrote:
(29 Oct 11, 08:18AM)Foo Wrote: 5- Sacerock in 1.0.4

Still aimbots in
(not really, but 90% headshots <3)

Stop making jokes with my actual shitty aim. Thanks dude ;)

(29 Oct 11, 04:00PM)Hellspell Wrote: No Godsmack? He always gets me with that goddamn SMG.

I'm not sure if anyone here remembers him, he had a really nice smg. Maybe his only and big problem was that he didn't play clanmatches too often. He would be a beast, no doubt with that but he also is a man and has his real life.

(29 Oct 11, 09:39PM)Jason Wrote: Nightmare, Hellspell, care to 1v1 any of us, maybe we can give you a taste of what 'hi-skill' is ;D

Sure :P
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Messages In This Thread
RE: Top 10. The best players in the history of Assault Cube? - by Sacerockin' - 30 Oct 11, 01:38AM
