Who are you favorite mappers and why?
Mr.Floppy for ac_werk.
This maps is full details, there is a lot of work on it and this the most littlest map ever who can be played in public with more than 10 players. The map details he made is just awesome (even if it don't works for all type of mappers) and i recommand to all new mappers and all mappers who didn't read it... to read it!

Jiba for ac_industrial, ac_vengenza and ac_avenue.
ac_industrial: The layout was made by Brett Sanzo and a lot of players (without a real ambition). I saw the map start and i'm always wondering how Jiba saw a good map in this "map start".
There is not so many details (but a lot of pipes) the river give to the map an awesome overview.
ac_vengenza: This map is a bit unfair but the desert theme is respected (perfect!). The church on the RVSF base give a "village" look and i think this is pretty awesome. You can find this type of architecture on ac_sylang (the church).We also used the same light that Vengenza on ac_sylang (:p) and it give a good end-afternoon desert effect.
ac_avenue: This map is one of the greatest public map i've ever seen, Jiba uses the best mapping strategy he knows. He floods our eyes with a lot of houses/windows as a decors and i call this "long range details".

Undead with ac_cavern and ac_swamp.
I remember when i started ac_swamp, it was a little way (the way front of the RVSF base) with 3 beautifull doors (with platforms). When Undead saw that he said "Good theme start but... where is the fucking layout? It's the most important, never start a map from a path!". I thought he was crazy but finally it's one of the 2 best map i made, the layout is good for a lot of mode and a large range of player.
ac_cavern was an Undead's idea, we started together by the RVSF base and tryed to make a good rock/mine theme (mission accomplished!), i let him made the layout and more than 1/3 alone (cause of the mapping contest) and i came back to finish this map together. I think it's the best map he (and i) made by far.

I don't like maps like ac_ratrap or ac_steilar, mappers are goods and maps are full of good ideas but i think that mappers don't their talents of mapping to make an armonic map.
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RE: Who are you favorite mappers and why? - by ExodusS - 28 Oct 11, 03:44PM