20 Oct 11, 07:45AM
Hi all, I think its well known my opinion on this and i want to add my support to such a honest and brilliant post. Dont blame my weopon choice for your own lack of skill, and yes thst what it is because over and over again when idiots keeps moaning I change to SMG or AR even snipper and pistol a couple of times with exactly the same results.
As for long range kills, I'm gonna come clean hear SG is a useless weopon at range but if someone has just finished fighting someone or is just low on HP its aloways worth a long range blast, after all if they only have 1 HP left they are gonna die even if i shoot em from the other side of the map. So thats exactly what i do i always shoot at someone even if they are miles away, you never know i may be fighting that person in 10 seconds or so and those few HP i took off may make the difference between a win and loss...
Shotgun FTW!
As for long range kills, I'm gonna come clean hear SG is a useless weopon at range but if someone has just finished fighting someone or is just low on HP its aloways worth a long range blast, after all if they only have 1 HP left they are gonna die even if i shoot em from the other side of the map. So thats exactly what i do i always shoot at someone even if they are miles away, you never know i may be fighting that person in 10 seconds or so and those few HP i took off may make the difference between a win and loss...
Shotgun FTW!