HIgh Resultion Explosion Texture
1.1.1! 1.1.1! 1.1.1!
Have any pictures of the 'old' one to compare it to?

by the way, is there anyway to change the acctual SIZE of the explosion.
cos the blast radius of a grenade needs to be more than knee hieght to convince me.
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Messages In This Thread
RE: HIgh Resultion Explosion Texture - by MykeGregory - 20 Oct 11, 06:27AM
RE: HIgh Resultion Explosion Texture - by Bukz - 20 Oct 11, 10:39PM
RE: HIgh Resultion Explosion Texture - by Bukz - 21 Oct 11, 03:40AM
RE: HIgh Resultion Explosion Texture - by Bukz - 21 Oct 11, 05:53AM