Well, ATM we only have support for the basic ASCII table. 33-126.
So any encoded stuff is basically going to need a rewrite. Source Code or Translation File. Whether I manage to revive and fix the UTF/TTF-code I can't say for sure ATM.
I guess I'll definitely need to update the .po-contents .. possibly after having a run through the source and flagging even more stuff for translation. Also the CubeScript should be taken a stab at.
The last time I was on the lookout for translators nothing much happened, so TBH, I'm now a bit overwhelmed - happily so - but please, give me some time to do what I said more translations would bring: more translatability .. and possibly even proper language support (read: UTF-8)!
Oh, and don't feel a "language is taken"; a team-effort can be much more well rounded - Apollo gave me some input for the german translation. It's the thing that you sometimes can "imagine" the sentence-snippets being stuck together, but then you see it during a game and wonder what the hell you were thinking at the time :-P
To use your locale-file you need to compile it from .po to .mo - a basic shell-script is in source/local/de_compile_mo.[sh/bat]. What you "just" have to do is replace the "de"-occurences with your language-code, say "pt" for portuguese, and save it under the appropriate name, run it and then run your game - as long as your system is actually set to that locale for true, it'll work - you'll see the output in the log "current locale: ...". On *nix-systems you can just enter "locale" into your shell to see the enviroment-variables set - (LANG and) LC_ALL (usually empty) are the significant ones. Hence ACwiki:play in EN although your in DE. HTH
So any encoded stuff is basically going to need a rewrite. Source Code or Translation File. Whether I manage to revive and fix the UTF/TTF-code I can't say for sure ATM.
I guess I'll definitely need to update the .po-contents .. possibly after having a run through the source and flagging even more stuff for translation. Also the CubeScript should be taken a stab at.
The last time I was on the lookout for translators nothing much happened, so TBH, I'm now a bit overwhelmed - happily so - but please, give me some time to do what I said more translations would bring: more translatability .. and possibly even proper language support (read: UTF-8)!
Oh, and don't feel a "language is taken"; a team-effort can be much more well rounded - Apollo gave me some input for the german translation. It's the thing that you sometimes can "imagine" the sentence-snippets being stuck together, but then you see it during a game and wonder what the hell you were thinking at the time :-P
To use your locale-file you need to compile it from .po to .mo - a basic shell-script is in source/local/de_compile_mo.[sh/bat]. What you "just" have to do is replace the "de"-occurences with your language-code, say "pt" for portuguese, and save it under the appropriate name, run it and then run your game - as long as your system is actually set to that locale for true, it'll work - you'll see the output in the log "current locale: ...". On *nix-systems you can just enter "locale" into your shell to see the enviroment-variables set - (LANG and) LC_ALL (usually empty) are the significant ones. Hence ACwiki:play in EN although your in DE. HTH