11 Oct 11, 08:18PM
A name change script that does what you requested will likely get you kicked/banned. So really like RR says, /HIGHLIGHT is your only option:
Then every 5 seconds, the color value of the HIGHLIGHT alias would be set to something random. When someone says your name on the console, it will show up in that color.
As far as I know your 2nd request has already been done, albeit a bit cludgy. I'm sure that feature could be hardcoded in eventually.
timeBetColorChanges = 5000 // In milliseconds
highlightChangeLoop = [
HIGHLIGHT = (c (rnd 10))
sleep $timeBetColorChanges highlightChangeLoop
if (! (checkalias mapstartalways)) [ mapstartalways = "" ]
if (! (strstr $mapstartalways highlightChangeLoop)) [ add2alias mapstartalways highlightChangeLoop ]
Then every 5 seconds, the color value of the HIGHLIGHT alias would be set to something random. When someone says your name on the console, it will show up in that color.
As far as I know your 2nd request has already been done, albeit a bit cludgy. I'm sure that feature could be hardcoded in eventually.