Shortest Clan Lifespan (Not really)
This happened during Monday night on Exodus HTF/CTF 24/7 server, there was GOTTALOVE16 and he tried to get other people to involved with the 'clan'.

  • GOTTALOVE16 (Leader)
  • GOTTALOVE69 ( known as LtG )

Some of the members is from ACTUAL clan.

The Leader use the kick vote 3 times ( I kicked him for it twice ; tempban for last time she/he vote)

I also ban LtG for trying to troll/worsting the situation.
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Messages In This Thread
Shortest Clan Lifespan (Not really) - by DeafieGamer - 06 Oct 11, 05:01PM
RE: Shortest Clan Lifespan (Not really) - by Qontrol - 19 Oct 11, 01:03AM