03 Oct 11, 12:59AM
@V-Man, it was a conjugation of things, firs it begun when I started on a weigh loss program where I got rid of 17 kilos. It was focused on nutrition and gym . Then I have always been "different" to all my buddies but not in a weird sense but as "more aware". I always knew that smoking, drinking and "other things" were injuring my brain and such and was always conscious of the damage I was doing to myself and looked for info on the internet way way ago.When I was selling drugs I won 2000€ a month but always kept in mind my customers had families and I was doing more harm than good. As i got to know my friends better I got to hate them more cause they were centered on their "troubles" but couldnt see the harm they did to others. The problem was that I always focused on "my friends", so when things started to go better to me I started to see the truth of our relationship and so i projected myself and saw something I didnt like a bit. Myself. That was an important step. After self-awareness came solution seeking and I can say that it was thanks to a book, called: "Revolutionize your life; Unleash your potential" and a movie which is this one . from then on things came running smoothly as today I can grasp what i want to become, A BETTER PERSON.