30 Sep 11, 01:29PM
Sorry Alien/Cleaner but I completely disagree. I think what V-Man is doing here is fantastic, not only is it ground breaking but the community will potentially benefit greatly from it.
I have a feeling this will get more people interested in mapping, so much so that they will no longer need to use a script like this to get them started. Random map generator or not, the mapping tools will make life easier even for the most experienced of cube mappers.
To say that what he is doing is a slap in the face to the experienced mappers is actually a slap in the face to V-Man, who is only trying to help in every way possible. V-Man is not trying to replace experienced mappers with a script, I believe that he is trying to make life easier on all of us, while at the same time get more people interested in mapping, so they too can one day become an experienced mapper.
Everybody starts somewhere, and if this is the tool that some will need to get them learning the editor, I say more power to them. Yes, good maps will always require a human's touch, but that doesn't mean that a little bit of computer assistance in the beginning is taking the challenge out of it.
Not to mention how much math and man hours probably went into designing this thing. Keep up the good work V-Man, kudos. :)
I have a feeling this will get more people interested in mapping, so much so that they will no longer need to use a script like this to get them started. Random map generator or not, the mapping tools will make life easier even for the most experienced of cube mappers.
To say that what he is doing is a slap in the face to the experienced mappers is actually a slap in the face to V-Man, who is only trying to help in every way possible. V-Man is not trying to replace experienced mappers with a script, I believe that he is trying to make life easier on all of us, while at the same time get more people interested in mapping, so they too can one day become an experienced mapper.
Everybody starts somewhere, and if this is the tool that some will need to get them learning the editor, I say more power to them. Yes, good maps will always require a human's touch, but that doesn't mean that a little bit of computer assistance in the beginning is taking the challenge out of it.
Not to mention how much math and man hours probably went into designing this thing. Keep up the good work V-Man, kudos. :)