Homer-J & Tiesto expelled from IAF Clan
(02 Aug 10, 08:05PM)Pro_Smg Wrote: The truth is that no one can proof if it was Aka or not. Whatever , Homer is wrong.
Why ?

"However, a month and a half ago, aka (a friend of our family from years) came to our house he started playing AC on our computer, and he modified map for fun probably ac_gothic..."

How can you let him do this ?

How can you say that it was "for fun" ?

Sorry but we can't proof nothing , aka can say that hacked in Homer's computer.Maybe we like to quit the game and don't matter if he says that hacked in Homer's computer? Yea it's a difficult possibility but can be it. Maybe Aka doesn't exist , it's only 2 brothers(Homer and Tiesto) in 2 pc's in a house ? There is a lot of possibilities that can be hard or not , but no one can proof it.We can have a most chance of some chances(like Homer said his history , maybe it can be true) but tottally proofs we never will get.

So in my opinion , is it. But the solution i can't think in nothing , you guys(admins and admins of IAF) think about the fairest as possible.

I can help in any possible help for me :)

I am sorry, but your post makes no sense at all.

1. Aka may have modified the map without Homer knowing it (I don't think that Homer babysitted Aka).
2. Maybe for Aka it was fun. But not for Homer, especially now.
3. Check Aka's IP addresses and compare them with Homer's IP addresses. This will give you a pretty solid idea if there is this mysterious Aka or not.
4. There is nothing that leaves places for "lots of possibilities". Aka himself admits that he modifies the map, and that Homer and Tiesto had nothing to do with it.
5. The only thing you can blame Homer for is that he was very kind and generous to his friend by letting him play AC on his machine. You must never be so nice to people, especially if you play the same online game ;)

I wish that people listed to what Homer and Aka had to say, and consider Homer's past AC history.

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Messages In This Thread
RE: Homer-J & Tiesto expelled from IAF Clan - by P@ndel - 02 Aug 10, 08:44PM