Demo files won't show up
I am running the portable version of ac off of a flash drive. I saved 2 demos that exposed a hacker, but I cannot find the demos to upload them. No demos will appear in the demo folder, and I'm stuck on where else to look. I can view them in the game. Where could they be? I'm also using windows 7, if that helps.
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Messages In This Thread
Demo files won't show up - by .JK. - 13 Sep 11, 11:19PM
RE: Demo files won't show up - by Milandrag - 16 Sep 11, 08:27PM
RE: Demo files won't show up - by flowtron - 17 Sep 11, 10:45AM
RE: Demo files won't show up - by Milandrag - 17 Sep 11, 05:28PM
RE: Demo files won't show up - by flowtron - 17 Sep 11, 06:32PM