(10 Sep 11, 08:02PM)tempest Wrote: Well, with that code, you don't set crosshairsize anywhere. Did you mean to writeYes Tempest, I didn't include that in the snipit of code I was quoting, thus the '...' at the beginning and the end. If you wanted to search the entire script, I use it once at the end of all the logic.
(although that wouldn't make much sense)[SELECT ALL] Code:Setting_Knife_Size = [ crosshairsize $arg1]
(11 Sep 11, 12:13AM)Lantry Wrote: Verse: I made a similar script a little while back, and found it was much easier just to use conloop.
Lantry I don't doubt you are correct, this is my first script to have any type of logic and I have a lot to learn. What is a conloop anyway...
* Verse searches the forums and documentation
V-Man I'm researching before I reply to you.