Different texture sizes - why? :( [Solved]
Uhm .. actually I'm not certain what Viper meant by that .. if at all he should've said that normal geometry texturing occurs at 1x1, the mapmodel though uses a 2x1 scaled image - hence the weird scaling issues when using a non-default texture.
The skin.jpg of comp_bridge is 512x256 (2x1, 1x1 would be square, like most geometry textures), which the model "knows" where (and how) to attach to the vertices (think "corners") of itself .. take a different texture and it's different.
The default-model-textures were done by makkE (specifically for comp_bridge) in such a way as to work well with a specific default geometry-texture .. I tried to approximate his talented work and failed, but someone skilled in graphics should be able to provide a "proper" texture for the model by matching the texture-coordinates (where the vertices land (rather the other way round)).
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Messages In This Thread
RE: Different texture sizes - why? :( - by flowtron - 07 Sep 11, 07:35AM