Plea to Server Operators
Well - the 20-max limit resulted in a giant wave of indignation by some inside the community when it was enforced - seems the posters in this thread understand what drove the dev-team to impose this limit at the time. The way the game is meant to be played.
I totally agree re:10-vs-10 is too much for most maps, or a 20 player DM, however you like it. For the record, I feel that the game works best with teamsizes ranging from 3 to 6 - but this utopian-view only really holds true if we're talking about teams that actually play as such and aren't just randomly assigned .. as is the case on 87.3% of public servers ;-)

Re: the bandwidth table - AFAIK nobody has yet updated this to the protocol-slimming efforts Brahma has put into the last release! The figures are a good orientation still, but they're not accurate anymore!

I'd plea for 3 servers for each 20-slot you have running: 1x 1-vs-1/coop, 1x 3-vs-3 and 1x 6-vs-6 would be a nice way to go (or 2x 3-vs-3 and 1x 4-vs-4, or or or) .. of course you're still free to host 20-slot servers with maprotations full of custom maps.
But wouldn't more specific setups maybe help alleviate the heavy fluctuation I always see - when I find the time to actually play the game :-P - people joining and leaving all the time. You sometimes manage to have a couple of matches in a row with a few people, naturally more often the better you know them .. and the better they like you! ..
If you provide a low-slot-count server with a CTF maprotation, a server-title with CTF in it (up front, not after 20+ chars of "I'm the man!" *ggg*) you're bound to get people actually wanting to play CTF!
Thanks given by:

Messages In This Thread
Plea to Server Operators - by vonunov - 07 Sep 11, 12:24AM
RE: Plea to Server Operators - by gambino - 07 Sep 11, 01:20AM
RE: Plea to Server Operators - by #M|A#Wolf - 07 Sep 11, 02:22AM
RE: Plea to Server Operators - by flowtron - 07 Sep 11, 07:10AM
RE: Plea to Server Operators - by DES|Anderson - 07 Sep 11, 07:58AM
RE: Plea to Server Operators - by vonunov - 07 Sep 11, 08:35AM
RE: Plea to Server Operators - by pwnage{TyD} - 07 Sep 11, 11:58AM
RE: Plea to Server Operators - by jamz - 07 Sep 11, 12:53PM
RE: Plea to Server Operators - by vonunov - 07 Sep 11, 01:55PM
RE: Plea to Server Operators - by tempest - 07 Sep 11, 02:20PM
RE: Plea to Server Operators - by jamz - 07 Sep 11, 05:53PM
RE: Plea to Server Operators - by tempest - 07 Sep 11, 07:56PM
RE: Plea to Server Operators - by vonunov - 07 Sep 11, 06:12PM
RE: Plea to Server Operators - by DES|Anderson - 07 Sep 11, 07:36PM
RE: Plea to Server Operators - by Joe Smith - 09 Sep 11, 02:27PM
RE: Plea to Server Operators - by Viper - 09 Sep 11, 03:59PM
RE: Plea to Server Operators - by vonunov - 09 Sep 11, 04:22PM
RE: Plea to Server Operators - by Viper - 09 Sep 11, 04:55PM
RE: Plea to Server Operators - by tempest - 09 Sep 11, 05:00PM
RE: Plea to Server Operators - by Viper - 09 Sep 11, 05:15PM