Different texture sizes - why? :( [Solved]
Mmmh. Interesting .. that this hasn't come up before seems strange!
I fiddled about a bit and the only halfways decent solution I could find was to have a texture of 384 x 256 pixels, simply tiled with the noctua/tiles/16tile12.jpg-original .. but this resulted in showing some skinning issues with the model itself - not all gridlines line up!
One side of the walkway was okay, the other seemed off by half (!) a pixel. The sides of the model itself are off by 2 or 4 pixels ..
.. basically I think this model was never meant for such textures - especially the model #1, which has those "feet" (or struts rather) on the bottom; a metallic texture or one w/o gridlines on itself, at least, should be used.
I see the point of having the crossing not look different than the rest of the walkway, but it seems this is not possible to do in a nice way .. unless some model/mapping-guru comes along and tells us all what n00bs we are and how to do it quickly and easily :-P
Ah - BTW - even though I just tiled the original onto the new canvas (by hand) and saved the JPG at 100% the resulting texture (even where it fits the geometry-texture) has a different look to it .. the effect you're looking for seems pretty much impossible to me at this point (gurus!?!?).
[Image: screenshotsbridgeskinpr.png]
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Messages In This Thread
RE: Different texture sizes - why? :( - by flowtron - 07 Sep 11, 06:45AM