AC Calculator Script.
(To all players)
(To you only)
acadd is addition
acsub is subtraction
acdiv is division
acmul is multiplication
Have Fun. xD
(To all players)
acadd = [say ($arg1) bullets in the gun plus ($arg2) from a ammo box equals (+ $arg1 $arg2) bullets total]
acsub = [say ($arg1) bullets in the gun minus ($arg2) that you fired equals (- $arg1 $arg2) bullets left]
acdiv = [say ($arg1) soldiers in the batte divided by ($arg2) teams equals (div $arg1 $arg2) enemies.]
acmul = [say ($arg1) soldiers in the battle with ($arg2) bullets each equals (* $arg1 $arg2) bullets in the fight.]
(To you only)
acadd = [echo ($arg1) bullets in the gun plus ($arg2) from a ammo box equals (+ $arg1 $arg2) bullets total]
acsub = [echo ($arg1) bullets in the gun minus ($arg2) that you fired equals (- $arg1 $arg2) bullets left]
acdiv = [echo ($arg1) soldiers in the batte divided by ($arg2) teams equals (div $arg1 $arg2) enemies.]
acmul = [echo ($arg1) soldiers in the battle with ($arg2) bullets each equals (* $arg1 $arg2) bullets in the fight.]
acadd is addition
acsub is subtraction
acdiv is division
acmul is multiplication
Have Fun. xD