There is absolutely nothing wrong with a random nickname generator script, now when people make these scripts solely to use for the impersonation of others - THAT is when the problems begin. What is the point of one of these scripts? Idk, it's cool, and whenever you want to play "undercover" you can just generate a ranom name for yourself from the list within the script. Whats so bad about that?
Also, a "better" version of that script that wouldn't require to to change the number everytime you add a name would be:
Only thing that you'd need to edit is the nickname_list alias and add however many names you want to it.
When you execute the /random_nick command the script will simply grab a random name out of the list and changes your name to it.
Again, I repeat, there is absolutely NOTHING wrong with using a random nickname generator script. These are two entirely different things we're talking about.
Also, a "better" version of that script that wouldn't require to to change the number everytime you add a name would be:
alias random_nick [
name (at $nickname_list (rnd (listlen $nickname_list)))
nickname_list = "Name#1 Name#2 Name#3 Name#4 Name#5 "
// By GeneralDisarray
Only thing that you'd need to edit is the nickname_list alias and add however many names you want to it.
When you execute the /random_nick command the script will simply grab a random name out of the list and changes your name to it.
Again, I repeat, there is absolutely NOTHING wrong with using a random nickname generator script. These are two entirely different things we're talking about.