Accused of cheating from noobs?
Hello AC-Community,first of all,my name is "sigh" in Game and I play AC about 1.5 years.I also play other shooters like Enemy Territory (since 2003) and I can say I´m pretty experienced in a lot of Games.Still have my Megadrive 16 Bit Console and love to play it too.Last night I was really bad accused of cheating by one guy named Walter and one with SK Tag.They even tried to ban me,because of my namechange script xD.Well to make thing´s clear,I´m not cheating in any way but I play a lot and that`s my secret.For the one´s who believe a namechange-script is a hack here is my autoexec.cfg:
name -.-
loadcrosshair red_dot.png
loadcrosshair teammate.png teammate
loadcrosshair red_dot.png scope
fpsrange 100 1000
gamma 140
lighterror 1
masterupdatefrequency 3600
scopefov 50
dynshadowquad 0
aboveheadiconsize 50
bulletholettl 5000
soundvol 128
serversort 0
damagescreenfade 125
gibspeed 30
gibnum 6
dynshadowdecay 1000
modeacronyms 1
swayupspeeddiv 105
stencilshadow 40
aboveheadiconfadetime 2000
clockerror 1000000
teamdisplaymode 2
reflectsize 8
damagescreenalpha 45
footsteps 0
radarentsize 4
audiodebug 0
mtwater 1
texreduce 0
hideconsole 0
clockfix 0
localfootsteps 1
mapsoundrefresh 10
soundschedpriorityscore 100
watersubdiv 2
radarres 64
gibttl 5000
bulletairsoundrad 15
saveshadows 1
shotlinettl 75
dynshadow 40
damageindicatorsize 200
browsefiledesc 1
crosshairsize 35
hidecustomskins 0
bulletbouncesoundrad 15
serversortpreferofficial 1
confade 40
bloodttl 5000
scorchttl 7000
maxfps 125
sensitivity 2.7
hidedamageindicator 0
hidecompass 0
damageindicatoralpha 50
soundschedreserve 2
scorch 1
damageindicatordist 500
serversortdir 0
hidehudequipment 0
fullbrightlevel 176
bulletairsounddestrad 8
hudgun 1
bullethole 0
fullconsize 40
smoothmove 75
swayupmovediv 200
maxtexsize 0
shotline 1
damagescreenfactor 7
waterrefract 0
animationinterpolationtime 150
blood 1
bulletairsoundsourcerad 8
altconsize 0
hidectfhud 0
musicvol 0
servpingrate 5000
swayspeeddiv 105
invmouse 0
minimapres 9
waterreflect 0
minlod 250
showminremain 1
maxsoundsatonce 10
serverbrowserhideip 0
nosway 0
crosshairteamsign 1
smoothdist 8
soundschedoldbonus 100
damagescreen 0
mtexplosion 1
serverbrowserhidefavtag 0
applydialog 1
skin 4
aadynshadow 2
dynshadowsize 5
damageindicatortime 1000
hideradar 0
hidestats 1
showonlygoodservers 0
hidevote 0
maxcon 200
autoreload 0
gainscale 90
spectfov 110
soundscheddistancescore 5
showscoresondeath 1
maxservpings 0
consize 6
mdldlist 1
nextprimary 3
crosshairfx 1
gib 1
hidespecthud 0
trilinear 1
fov 106.0
maxrollremote 1
networkdebug 0
bulletbouncesound 1
autogetmap 1
maxroll 15
bilinear 1
swaymovediv 200
hidehudmsgs 0
hideteam 0
bulletairsound 1

bind "MOUSE1" [attack; magcheck]
bind "MOUSE2" [ altaction ]
bind "MOUSE3" [weapon]
bind "MOUSE4" [universaldelta 1]
bind "MOUSE5" [universaldelta -1]
bind "TAB" [ showscores 1; onrelease [ showscores 0 ] ]
bind "ESCAPE" [ if $connected [ ingamemenu ] [ if (watchingdemo) [ showmenu "Watching demo" ] [ showmenu main ] ] ]
bind "SPACE" [jump]
bind "SLASH" [saycommand /]
bind "1" [ primary ]
bind "2" [ secondary ]
bind "3" [ grenades ]
bind "4" [ melee ]
bind "BACKQUOTE" [saycommand /]
bind "A" [left]
bind "B" [showmenu Weapons]
bind "D" [right]
bind "E" [ quicknadethrow ]
bind "F" [ dropflag ]
bind "G" [say GG]
bind "H" [say Hi]
bind "N" [aliasme]
bind "R" [reload]
bind "S" [backward]
bind "T" [saycommand]
bind "V" [ showmenu voicecom ]
bind "W" [forward]
bind "X" [quickknife]
bind "Y" [saycommand %]
bind "UP" [sendmap]
bind "DOWN" [getmap]
bind "LEFT" [fog 1024]
bind "F1" [ && (vote 1) [ echo "you voted yes"] ]
bind "F2" [ && (vote 2) [ echo "you voted no" ] ]
bind "F3" [updatefrommaster;showmenu server]
bind "F4" [reconnect]
bind "F5" [team CLA]
bind "F6" [team RVSF]
bind "F10" [getdemo]
bind "F11" [conskip -1000; toggleconsole]
bind "F12" [ screenshot; sleep 3 [ echo "Screenshot created." ] ]
bind "LSHIFT" [crouch]
bind "LCTRL" [primary;jump;attack;jump]//quick bullet jump
bind "LALT" [suicide; say 3To slow to kill me !!]
bind "END" [aq]

alias aq [if (= (alive) 1) [suicide; sleep 1000 [aq]] [echo "Auto-quit in 10 seconds!"; sleep 2000 [say "bb"; sleep 2000 [echo "... 33"; sleep 2000 [echo "... 22"; sleep 2000 [echo "... 01"; sleep 1000 [quit]]]]]]]

alias magcheck [if (= (magcontent (currentprimary)) 0) [if (= (magcontent 6) 0) [secondary] [grenades]] []]

//Put all your aliases here that you want to select at random
namelist = "1 2 3 4"
//The number "4" in the next line has to be edited to the number of names in the namelist.
aliasme = [name (at $namelist (rnd 4))]

//zoom script by stef with fog 1024 trick added, a must for a sniper
alias adjustsens [
scopefov 40
scopesensscale = (divf $scopefov $fov)
alias altaction_4 [ alias oldfog $fog;fog 1024
adjustsens; domodifier 1; zoom 1;
onrelease [ zoom 0; adjustsens; fog $oldfog ]
alias delta_game_1 [
  if (= $arg1 1) [
    if (> $scopefov 5) [scopefov (- $scopefov 5) ]
    if (< $scopefov 60) [scopefov (+ $scopefov 5) ]
  sensitivity (divf (*f (*f $oldsens $scopesensscale) $scopefov) 40)

// Put the following code into your autoexec.cfg - and use the newly created /reconnect command to quickly disconnect & reconnect to the server that you are currently on. As with any other alias/command, you may bind it to a key.
alias "reconnect" [
if ( = $connected 1 ) [                // We'll learn more about if statements in the next tutorial, but this simply checks to make sure you are connected to a server.
   curserverip = (curserver 1)         // Get the IP of the server you are on.
   curserverport = (curserver 3)       // Get the port of the server you are on.
   disconnect                          // Disconnect
   connect $curserverip $curserverport // Use the info to reconnect to the server.
   echo "You must be connected before you can reconnect!" // Else, warn the user that they must be connected for the script to work properly. This only happens if the if statement above fails - or in plain english - you'll see this warning if you are not connected to a server and try using this script. Don't worry yourself much with if statements now, they can only lead to flustration for a beginner scripter, we need to learn the basics before we go into things such as flow control.

alias "tmp_botmap" [ac_desert3]
alias "soundqualityalias" [3]
alias "curname" [-.-]
alias "i" [7]
alias "gfxqualityalias" [5]
alias "tmp_numbots" [7]
alias "askquit" [1]
alias "scopesensscale" [0.5]
alias "scopesens" [ *f $sensitivity $scopesensscale ]
alias "tmp_mode" [12]
alias "tmp_botskill" [high]

Nothing special though,found most scripts here in the forum.Don´t blame me for aiming well.My english sucks and i hope everything was understandable.
Thanks given by:

Messages In This Thread
Accused of cheating from noobs? - by S!GH - 01 Aug 10, 12:58AM
RE: Accused of cheating from noobs? - by JMM - 01 Aug 10, 01:04AM
RE: Accused of cheating from noobs? - by SparK - 01 Aug 10, 01:10AM
RE: Accused of cheating from noobs? - by S!GH - 01 Aug 10, 01:58AM
RE: Accused of cheating from noobs? - by Bukz - 01 Aug 10, 02:25AM
RE: Accused of cheating from noobs? - by DrauL - 01 Aug 10, 03:02AM
RE: Accused of cheating from noobs? - by SparK - 01 Aug 10, 03:53AM
RE: Accused of cheating from noobs? - by DrauL - 01 Aug 10, 04:04AM
RE: Accused of cheating from noobs? - by V-Man - 01 Aug 10, 04:17AM
RE: Accused of cheating from noobs? - by DrauL - 01 Aug 10, 04:33AM
RE: Accused of cheating from noobs? - by DrauL - 01 Aug 10, 08:12AM
RE: Accused of cheating from noobs? - by BurN. - 01 Aug 10, 08:58AM
RE: Accused of cheating from noobs? - by V-Man - 02 Aug 10, 02:43AM