19 Aug 11, 02:30PM
(19 Aug 11, 11:41AM)Orynge Wrote: Mael suggested that previously as a replacement for platform mapmodels.
But the great thing about them is that they could also be used for so much more.
Basically, it would be a clip just like a normal clip (prevents movement, grenades, etc) but it would also have a texture applied to it instead of being transparent, and would ofc block bullets too. the command would probably be the same as clip, but with a new argument, i.e.:
/newent tclip [elevation] [x radius] [y radius] [height] [texture id]
these would actually improve the game, as instead of tiling the platform mapmodel to create a 16x16 platform (or wherever a platform larger than 8x8 is needed) you could use a tclip instead, which (if I understand how it works correctly) would be easier on the computer, as less faces would need to be rendered.
Ofc, this is not to mention all the other ways this could be creatively used, as it creates an easy way to build (very) simple models right in the engine.