[menu] AC Booster - My first script
I created this script that adds a menu to your AC, the idea is to increase your FPS.
I've been testing with my friends and noticed a significant improvement in FPS, may not have the same effect for everyone, but I'm sure it would be very useful to some.

To use this script save the contents acbooster.cfg with the name and place in your scripts folder.
This menu has some preset screen sizes, if no please you have the option below to choose your preferred screen size.

//Turbo Booster by Stupp*
checkinit acbooster []

newmenu "AC Booster"
menuitem "" -1
menuitem [ 3Screen Size]
menuitemcheckbox [Video Size 320/200] 0 [if (= $arg1 1) [scr_w 320; scr_h 200] []]
menuitemcheckbox [Video Size 420/300] 0 [if (= $arg1 1) [scr_w 420; scr_h 300] []]
menuitemcheckbox [Video Size 520/400] 0 [if (= $arg1 1) [scr_w 520; scr_h 400] []]
menuitemcheckbox [Video Size 660/520] 0 [if (= $arg1 1) [scr_w 660; scr_h 520] []]
menuitemcheckbox [Video Size 800/600] 0 [if (= $arg1 1) [scr_w 800; scr_h 600] []]
menuitem [ 3Other Screen Size]
menuitemtextinput "Screen width:                " "$scr_w" "scr_w $arg1" "" 11
menuitemtextinput "Screen height:                " "$scr_h" "scr_h $arg1" "" 11
menuitem [ 3AC Booster]
menuitemcheckbox [Enable Turbo Booster] 0 [if (= $arg1 1) [bullethole 0; scorch 0; shotline 0; fsaa 0; shadowclip 0; shadowtile 0; skyclip 0; stencilshadow 0; hidebigmenuimages 1; vsync -1; bulletairsound 0; bulletbouncesound  0; footsteps 0; hitsound 1; fog 180; fov 120; minimapres 7; mtwater 0; reflectscissor 0; waterreflect 0; maxcon 10; trilinear 0; bilinear 0; lighterror 100; texreduce -1; mtexplosion 0; blood 0; maxfps 1000; minlod 60; gibnum 0; nosway 1; maxroll 0; fpsrange 100 1000; fullscreen o; texturescale 16; dynlight 0; crosshairsize 50; damagescreen 0; footsteps o; sound detail low; hideradar 1; teamdisplaymode 2; echo 3"Enable Turbo Booster"] []]
menuitemcheckbox [Disable Turbo Booster] 0 [if (= $arg1 1) [bullethole 1; scorch 1; shotline 1; fsaa 0; shadowclip 1; shadowtile 1; skyclip 1; stencilshadow 40; hidebigmenuimages 0; vsync -1; bulletairsound 0; bulletbouncesound  0; footsteps 0; hitsound 1; fog 180; minimapres 10; mtwater 1; reflectscissor 1; waterreflect 1; maxcon 200; trilinear 1; bilinear 1; lighterror 1; texreduce 0; mtexplosion 1; blood 1; maxfps 1000; minlod 100; gibnum 25; gibspeed 100; nosway 0; maxroll 1; fpsrange 100 1000; fullscreen o; texturescale 32; dynlight 1; damagescreen 1; sound detail high; footsteps 1; hideradar 0; teamdisplaymode 1; echo 3"Disable Turbo Booster"] []]
menuitem [ 3Guns]
menuitemcheckbox [Hide guns] 0 [if (= $arg1 1) [hudgun 0] []]
menuitemcheckbox [Show guns] 0 [if (= $arg1 1) [hudgun 1] []]
menuitem [ 3Sounds]
menuitemcheckbox [On] 0 [if (= $arg1 1) [unmuteallsounds] []]
menuitemcheckbox [Off] 0 [if (= $arg1 1) [mutesound  7; mutesound  8; mutesound  9; mutesound 10; mutesound 11; mutesound 12; mutesound 13; mutesound 14; mutesound 15; mutesound 16; mutesound 17; mutesound 18; mutesound 19; mutesound 41; mutesound 42; mutesound 43; mutesound 44; mutesound 45; mutesound 46; mutesound 20; mutesound 21; mutesound 22; mutesound 23; mutesound 25; mutesound 26; mutesound 27; mutesound 28; mutesound 29; mutesound 30; mutesound 31; mutesound 32; mutesound 33; mutesound 48; mutesound 62; mutesound 54; mutesound 55; mutesound 56; mutesound 57; mutesound 58; mutesound  0; mutesound  1; mutesound  2; mutesound 35; mutesound 36; mutesound 61; mutesound  3; mutesound  4; mutesound  5; mutesound  6; mutesound 34; mutesound 37; mutesound 38; mutesound 39; mutesound 40; mutesound 49; mutesound 50; mutesound 52; mutesound 59; mutesound 60; mutesound 63; mutesound 64; mutesound 65; mutesound 66; mutesound 67; mutesound 68; mutesound 89; mutesound 70; mutesound 71; mutesound 72; mutesound 73; mutesound 74; mutesound 75; mutesound 76; mutesound 77; mutesound 78; mutesound 79; mutesound 80; mutesound 81; mutesound 82; mutesound 83; mutesound 84; mutesound 85; mutesound 86; mutesound 87; mutesound 88; mutesound 89; mutesound 90; mutesound 91; mutesound 92; mutesound 93; mutesound 94; mutesound 95; mutesound 96; mutesound 97; mutesound 98] []]
menuitem "" -1
menuitem [                   APLLY NOW!                   ] [writecfg ; resetgl]
menuitem [                       AC Booster by Stupp*]
menuinitselection 1
alias booster [showmenu "AC Booster"]
add2mainmenu [menuitem "AC Booster" [showmenu "AC Booster"]]

Sorry my bad English from google translator!
Thanks given by:

Messages In This Thread
[menu] AC Booster - My first script - by V!P3RS* - 18 Aug 11, 05:56PM