Suggestion: Flags on CTF should belong to the team, not to individual members
Team Frags / Flags posted more visible(bigger or raised or bold), and permanent for a sense of team accomplishment - Awesome!
Frag / Flag / Score limit games - Awesome!

I recommend using a different word for individual flags for less confusion. Probably a Verb or Adverb, since that is the action itself, while team "FLAGS" is a noun, as it is a stable 'object'...
"Goals" - 2 (you made it to the goal twice) (or just abbrev. flags to FLs or flgs? or make the team flags obviously diff. like CLA FLAGS all caps)

i really like this. f1 f1. Points for distance you carry the flag, if you drop it and a teammate scores after the last 30 cubes :D . Health/ammo penalty for TKing (would be funny to have less or no ammo after TKing). (random) Player piercing sniper rounds :D kill streaks ! More points for killing the enemy team's top player.

I have no idea how you'd make defending a player count points. Proximity sensors for the player with the flag + bonus points for all teammates who deal out damage within the radius and/or to enemies who are within the radius?

more ways to encourage team cooperation! f1
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RE: Suggestion: Flags on CTF should belong to the team, not to individual members - by Sonic - 17 Aug 11, 06:15PM