Changing Commands
In-game, type: /bind KEY [voicecom affirmative "YOUR TEXT"]
(Where KEY is the key you wanna bind, like m, and "YOUR TEXT" is the text output)

Or add to your "autoexec.cfg": bind "KEY" [voicecom affirmative "YOUR TEXT"]
(KEY is the key you wanna bind, like PAGEUP, and "YOUR TEXT" is text output)

Or edit the file "menu_voicecom.cfg" in your config folder (remember to backup first).
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Messages In This Thread
Changing Commands - by Melo - 15 Aug 11, 07:54PM
RE: Changing Commands - by OpenSource - 15 Aug 11, 08:17PM
RE: Changing Commands - by Melo - 15 Aug 11, 10:40PM
RE: Changing Commands - by Viper - 16 Aug 11, 12:58AM
RE: Changing Commands - by V-Man - 16 Aug 11, 05:17AM