Skilled player looking for Clan.
Exactly thats what we/they want to say. Forsure nearly every clan who plays ctf, also knows how to play tosok, but we prefer CTF (or other flag modes), or TDM/Survivor.

Clans rarely play tosok. some clans are still voting tosok though, if they play against a better clan (for example), and know that they'd lose CTF.

Tosok is always the same, CTF isnt ;)

A quick example: RaMb0|oNe|, awesome CTF player, doesn't really likes TOSOK but still kicks ass there
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Messages In This Thread
Skilled player looking for Clan. - by JamJah - 02 Aug 11, 12:14PM
RE: Skilled player looking for Clan. - by M__Stayla - 02 Aug 11, 06:52PM