29 Jul 10, 10:40PM
sure. here it is
// this file gets executed if you start the game
//quick knife
alias quickknife [
if (!= (curweapon) 6) [melee]
onrelease [ sleep 1 [ if (= (curweapon) 0) [weapon (prevweapon)] ] ]
bind Q quickknife
//zoom script by stef with fog 1024 trick added, a must for a sniper
alias adjustsens [
scopefov 40
scopesensscale = (divf $scopefov $fov)
alias altaction_4 [ alias oldfog $fog;fog 1024
adjustsens; domodifier 1; zoom 1;
onrelease [ zoom 0; adjustsens; fog $oldfog ]
alias delta_game_1 [
if (= $arg1 1) [
//fixed up swapteams script
//usage: /swapteams MAXCLIENTS - MAXCLIENTS being the maximum number of clients on the server, assumes 20
alias swapteams [
alias _numclients $arg1;
if (= $_numclients 0) [
alias _numclients 20 //no num specified, assume 20
alias _curnum 0;
loop i $_numclients [
sleep (* 100 $i) [
forceteam $_curnum;
_curnum = (+ $_curnum 1);
this is all that is inside the autoexec.cfg file... is there anything missing and should be there?
// this file gets executed if you start the game
//quick knife
alias quickknife [
if (!= (curweapon) 6) [melee]
onrelease [ sleep 1 [ if (= (curweapon) 0) [weapon (prevweapon)] ] ]
bind Q quickknife
//zoom script by stef with fog 1024 trick added, a must for a sniper
alias adjustsens [
scopefov 40
scopesensscale = (divf $scopefov $fov)
alias altaction_4 [ alias oldfog $fog;fog 1024
adjustsens; domodifier 1; zoom 1;
onrelease [ zoom 0; adjustsens; fog $oldfog ]
alias delta_game_1 [
if (= $arg1 1) [
//fixed up swapteams script
//usage: /swapteams MAXCLIENTS - MAXCLIENTS being the maximum number of clients on the server, assumes 20
alias swapteams [
alias _numclients $arg1;
if (= $_numclients 0) [
alias _numclients 20 //no num specified, assume 20
alias _curnum 0;
loop i $_numclients [
sleep (* 100 $i) [
forceteam $_curnum;
_curnum = (+ $_curnum 1);
this is all that is inside the autoexec.cfg file... is there anything missing and should be there?